
Well, born March 30th 1968 I started to play drums with 17 and with 22, when my band then was looking for a singer we decided that it´s probably easier to get a good drummer than a good singer. So I started a classical education with a lady called Darinka Segota. Thank god I found her. This went on for seven years. before that I had some drum lessons, one with Bobby Rondinelli who showed me some things on the double bass which took me further and this lesson was only one hour, not more. Respect. Thanx to Mr. Rondinelli. But first of all was lucky again to find a gentleman called Mathhias Zentrich who taught me a lot of things before in 1987 and 1988. It´s oviousely his fault that I am a drumteacher right now where I try to educate young students, kids. Last but not least I learned a lot about drumming when Marcel Vogelmann played drums in the Zeppelin-tribute I joined. Only by watching him and listening to him two yards away from his big drum.
So far.

Played in several bands and the first of them was called Bondage and it was some 80´s metal. Only our own songs except Metallicas seek and destroy. As soon as I got some time I will put a few old songs on this page.
I played with Loveslide, a 80´s Rock n Roll thing, released two cd´s/records in 1992 and 1996 (the older ones know what a record is), with Tattoobar (one cd released in 2002) a rock n´roll Band either, bit tougher than Loveslide, several cover bands and the hottest of them was a Zeppelin-Tribute called Fett Zeppelin.
After all I played as a drummer in a punk band called Artback, close to our favorite single malt whiskey from the isla in scotland, where we mostly played our own songs to in company with lots of Sex Pistols songs and some from the Ramones.
Right at the moment we´re gonna start up Bondage again n I think I can place a few new demo songs here with our new stuff and I start another coverband who plays oldies from the sixties and seventees. Have another band with a few friends where we just play from time to time but cool, we´re old you know. For the moment I play drums and sing there. But we´re still looking for a singer.

And I play in a praise bands ´cuz I believe in Jesus. Don´t care if people don´t like this if Rock n Rollers admit to be a Christ or at least tryin´ to be!

No need to say more because this Homepage is meant to show me as someone who cares about Rock Music! And I am a big fan of Led Zeppelin, I can proove it with tattoos.